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FC Public Media Video Submission

Programs CANNOT contain any material that is libelous, slanderous or defamatory, that is an unlawful invasion of privacy, violates state, federal or copyright laws.


Programs created for Public Access CANNOT contain commercial advertising that has a “call to action” message.


Programs CANNOT contain Advertising which endorses or opposes candidates for public office, which is also intended to be presented as a paid political advertisement on other media.

Please fill out the following form to submit details about your video/program for broadcast/publication across FC Public Media's distribution channels.

Video/Program Category

Copyright (Required)

By submitting the program, I agree to the following: 

  • I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fort Collins and FC Public Media, its Board of Directors, and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, or other liabilities that may be made against me or arise out of the cablecast of the program I am submitting. 

  • I agree to allow FC Public Media to publish my video/program across all public access TV channels, Comcast Channel 97 & Connexion Channel 22, ROKU, Apple TV, FCPM website & YouTube channel. 

Please Upload Your Video/Program *

Please upload your video/program to our dropbox account.

The link is:


Please check the checkbox below once the upload is complete, and submit the form.

Please only upload HD-quality content.

Thanks for submitting!

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